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in vitro fertilization

Improving prognosis quality and decision-making efficiency in reproductive medicine using AI (Serto)

Having analysed the structure of training and participation of the primary level of the health care system in the process of formation of the necessary procedures to identify the causes of infertility, diagnosis, further management of the social unit of society, the following nuances have been identified, which have a pronounced impact on the capacity, quality and speed of conducting pre IVF examinations: 1) the small number of highly trained specialists in the field of reproductive medicine; 2) the large amount of time required for a specialist to perform routine and repetitive procedures; 3) the low quality of images obtained from equipment and techniques that are not always up to date in use. The identified opportunities for improvement and integration with the help of mathematical algorithms (AI) into the system of medical care in the field of reproductive medicine in order to improve not only the quality of analysis of morphology and structure of germ cells, but also to improve the quality of prediction of results and the effectiveness of decisions based on diagnoses, allow us to assert a confident reduction in the average error of conclusions obtained on the basis of routine optical methods using Serto programmes.

According to the results of preliminary pilot studies carried out both on the territory of the Russian Federation, Intellix specialists performed more than 500 system mathematical analyses with the help of the developed Siamese network algorithm, which allows to significantly improve the quality of analysis of the obtained images of germ cells and embryos for the subsequent in vitro fertilisation (IVF) procedure, thus increasing its efficiency.

Integration of IT-technology capabilities, which allow to significantly improve the efficiency and quality of decision-making in the field of health care, is a priority task, allowing to bring the provision of primary care services not only to a higher level, but also to demonstrate an improvement in the quality of demographic indicators of the population in the long term.